Did you know that holistic healing therapies can alleviate pain and illness for your dog? Specifically, acupuncture has demonstrated a great deal of success. Acupuncture has been used to treat various human conditions for thousands of years and has evolved into a common practice used by holistic healers, chiropractors, and physiotherapists. So think about it, why wouldn’t acupuncture be beneficial for your dog? The fact is that it benefits animals the way that it benefits humans.

There are so many advantages to using acupuncture as a part of your treatment regime for your dog.  Acupuncture can help to solve your dog’s poor-digestion, chronic-diarrhea and skin-problems. Unfortunately in western society we are socialized by our norms to look for a quick fix, and only use what is considered to be “western medicine”. However, alternative therapies have existed for thousands of years, many having great benefit and success.

Furthermore these therapies can be done in conjunction with western methodologies. It is important to know that alternative therapies such as acupuncture do not demonstrate immediate results (quick fix), and necessitate more frequent and longer treatments. There are, however, situations in which there is immediate improvement with acupuncture, it is important to know that everybody and every condition are unique so results vary from person to person.

You may ask, how can acupuncture help my dog?

Well, there are various ways in which acupuncture is beneficial. Acupuncture serves to stimulate the body’s release of pain anti-inflammatory substances serving to give some relief. Acupuncture also helps to relax the muscle at the site of stimulation (by needle insertion), producing both a local and generalized pain relief. Acupuncture improves blood flow to the treated area helping to facilitate healing, oxygenation, and removal of metabolic wastes/ toxins. Medications can have implications for your organs; acupuncture doesn’t have any of these potential adverse side.

Just like surgery and some medications, acupuncture isn’t always appropriate or successful for some patient, condition, or disease.

Some conditions that may benefit from acupuncture include:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Allergic skin conditions
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Disease of the spinal cord
  • Reproductive problems
  • Seizures/epilepsy
  • Traumatic nerve injuries
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Asthma
  • Immune function
  • Systemic inflammatory conditions
  • Physical Performance

If you believe that your dog could benefit from acupuncture you should certainly look into it. In fact, dive into some research now before it may become necessary to treat your dog for any possible ailment.  Remember, knowledge really is power, especially during difficult times. It could be the treatment regime that you are looking for. Trying new forms of treatments can make a difference in your dog’s health and wellbeing.